Web Archiving Made Easy

Thisextensionisabletocapture100%ofboththeverticalandhorizontalcontentappearingonanywebpageontheInternet.Itisveryeasytosavethe ...,Captureascreenshotofyourcurrentpageinentiretyandreliably—withoutrequestinganyextrapermissions!,Thisfreeonlinetoolsup...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Webpage Screenshot - Entire page screenshot!

This extension is able to capture 100% of both the vertical and horizontal content appearing on any webpage on the Internet. It is very easy to save the ...

GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture

Capture a screenshot of your current page in entirety and reliably—without requesting any extra permissions!

Free Online Webpage Screenshot Tool

This free online tool supports taking a web page to the size suitable for a computer or mobile phone, meeting the need to view it on different devices.

Capture a website screenshot online

Pikwy is a service for creating screenshots of websites online. Here you can, quickly and free capture a full screenshot of the website with high resolution ...

Screenshot Guru

With Screenshot Guru, you can capture beautiful, full-length high-resolution (retina display) PNG screenshot images of web pages, tweets and any public ...

Website Screenshot

評分 5.0 (31) · 起價:US$0.00 · 開發人員 The website screenshot taker is a free tool by ScreenshotOne that captures website screenshots online. You can get any website screenshot without registration ...

Screenshot Machine

Powerful and reliable website screenshot API designed to take screenshots of any online web page in couple of seconds.


Site-Shot: Web page screenshot service, that provides rich interface to make any kind of web screenshots online for free with no limits. In add-on it provides ... Pricing · Sign In · Dashboard

Thum.io | Fast real

Thum.io provides real-time desktop and mobile screenshots of websites as a service. We are the only website screenshot generator to live stream thumbnails. Login · URL API Documentation · How to Take a Screenshot

How to screenshot on Chrome (+ a full page screenshot)

With the web page open, press command + shift + S (on Mac) or Ctrl + Shift + S (on Windows). · Click Capture full page. How to take a full page screenshot in ...


Thisextensionisabletocapture100%ofboththeverticalandhorizontalcontentappearingonanywebpageontheInternet.Itisveryeasytosavethe ...,Captureascreenshotofyourcurrentpageinentiretyandreliably—withoutrequestinganyextrapermissions!,Thisfreeonlinetoolsupportstakingawebpagetothesizesuitableforacomputerormobilephone,meetingtheneedtoviewitondifferentdevices.,Pikwyisaserviceforcreatingscreenshotsofwebsite...